分类 | 货号 | 产品名称 |
rNucs Human Recombinant Nucleosomes, No PTMs | 16-0006 | Mononucleosomes, biotinylated |
16-0009 | Mononucleosomes, non-biotinylated |
16-0024 | Mononucleosomes, desthiobiotinylated |
16-0027 | Tailless Nucleosomes, biotinylated |
16-0023 | Mononucleosomes, H3.1 ΔN2, biotinylated |
16-0016 | Mononucleosomes, H3.1 ΔN32, biotinylated |
16-1016 | Mononucleosomes, H3.1 ΔN32, non-biotinylated |
16-0017 | Mononucleosomes, H3.3 ΔN32, biotinylated |
16-1017 | Mononucleosomes, H3.3 ΔN32, non-biotinylated |
16-0018 | Mononucleosomes, H4 ΔN15, biotinylated |
16-3004 | Dinucleosomes, biotinylated |
16-3104 | Dinucleosomes, non-biotinylated |
dNucs Designer Recombinant Nucleosomes with PTMs | 16-0321 | H3K4me1, biotinylated |
16-0334 | H3K4me2, biotinylated |
16-1334 | H3K4me2, non-biotinylated |
16-0316 | H3K4me3, biotinylated |
16-1316 | H3K4me3, non-biotinylated |
16-0402 | H3K4,K9me3, biotinylated |
16-0403 | H3K4,K27me3, biotinylated |
16-0335 | H3K4me3,K9,14,18ac, biotinylated |
16-0325 | H3K9me1, biotinylated |
16-0324 | H3K9me2, biotinylated |
16-0315 | H3K9me3, biotinylated |
16-0338 | H3K27me1, biotinylated |
16-0339 | H3K27me2, biotinylated |
16-0317 | H3K27me3, biotinylated |
16-1317 | H3K27me3, non-biotinylated |
16-0397 | H3.1K27me3,S28phos, biotinylated |
16-0322 | H3K36me1, biotinylated |
16-0319 | H3K36me2, biotinylated |
16-0320 | H3K36me3, biotinylated |
16-1320 | H3K36me3, non-biotinylated |
16-0390 | H3.3K36me3, biotinylated |
16-0367 | H3K79me1, biotinylated |
16-0368 | H3K79me2, biotinylated |
16-0369 | H3K79me3, biotinylated |
16-0393 | H4K12me1, biotinylated |
16-0331 | H4K20me1, biotinylated |
16-0332 | H4K20me2, biotinylated |
16-0333 | H4K20me3, biotinylated |
16-1333 | H4K20me3, non-biotinylated |
vNucs Histone Variants | 16-0013 | H2AX, biotinylated |
16-1013 | H2AX, non-biotinylated |
16-0366 | H2AXS139phos, biotinylated |
16-0014 | H2AZ.1, biotinylated |
16-1014 | H2AZ.1, non-biotinylated |
16-0015 | H2AZ.2, biotinylated |
16-0011 | H3.3, biotinylated |
16-0012 | H3.3, non-biotinylated |
Mutant Nucs Defined Amino Acid Substitutions | 16-0029 | H2AE61A, biotinylated |
16-1029 | H2AE61A, non-biotinylated |
16-0030 | H2AE92K, biotinylated |
16-1030 | H2AE92K, non-biotinylated |
16-0031 | H2BE105A,E113A, biotinylated |
16-1031 | H2BE105A,E113A, non-biotinylated |
16-0349 | Oncogenic Nucs (oncoNucs) |
16-0350 | H3.3K9M, biotinylated |
16-1323 | H3.3K27M, biotinylated |
16-0323 | H3.3K27M, non-biotinylated |
16-0346 | H3.3G34R, biotinylated |
16-0347 | H3.3G34V, biotinylated |
16-0348 | H3.3G34W, biotinylated |
16-0344 | H3.3K36M, biotinylated |
Methyl DNA Nucs Nucleosomes with Methylated DNA | 16-2043 | Mononucleosomes, Recombinant, Hemi-methylated 199x601 DNA, biotinylated |
16-2143 | Mononucleosomes, Recombinant, Hemi-methylated 199x601 DNA, non-biotinylated |
16-2044 | Mononucleosomes, Recombinant, 199x601 DNA, biotinylated |
16-2144 | Mononucleosomes, Recombinant, 199x601 DNA, non-biotinylated |
16-2045 | Mononucleosomes, Recombinant, Symmetrically Methylated 199x601 DNA, biotinylated |
EpiDyne® Chromatin Remodeling Assay Substrates | 16-4201 | EpiDyne FRET Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate |
16-4101 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1 |
16-4112 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1,2, biotinylated |
16-4113 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1,2,3, biotinylated |
16-4114 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1, 50-N-66, biotinylated |
16-4115 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1,2, 50-N-66, biotinylated |
16-4116 | EpiDyne Nucleosome Remodeling Assay Substrate ST601-GATC1,2,3, 50-N-66, biotinylated |
SNAP Spike-in Controls | 19-1002 | SNAP-CUTANA™ K-MetStat Panel |
19-1001 | SNAP-ChIP K-MetStat Panel |
19-2001 | SNAP-ChIP OncoStat Panel |
19-3001 | SNAP-ChIP K-AcylStat Panel |
dCypher™ Nucleosome Panels | 16-9001 | dCypher™ Nucleosome Full Panel |