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    Epicypher热销产品——Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human

    浏览次数: 47

     重组人单核小体,由大肠杆菌中表达的重组人组蛋白组装而成(组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3H42;Accession numbers:H2A-P04908;H2B-O60814;H3.1-P68431;H4- P62805),缠绕着147个碱基对包含601序列DNA。核小体是染色质的基本亚基。由LowaryWidom鉴定的601序列对组蛋白八聚体具有高亲和力,有利于核小体的组装。


    宿主来源: Human

    表达系统: E. coli & synthetic DNA

    保存温度: Stable for six months at -80°C from date of receipt. For best results, aliquot and avoid freeze/thaws

    运输温度: Dry ice

    产品形式: 0.84 mg/mL mononucleosome in µL 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 25 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, and 20% glycerol. (54.6 µg protein, 100 µg DNA + protein)

    Epicypher热销产品——Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human

    Figure 1: DNA Gel Data

    Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human run on an agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide to visualize DNA. Lane 1: Free DNA extracted from nucleosomes (200 ng). Lane 2: Intact nucleosomes (400 ng).

    Epicypher热销产品——Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human

    Figure 2: Protein Gel Data

    Coomassie stained PAGE gel of proteins in Mononucleosomes, Human Recombinant (0.5 µg) to demonstrate the purity and integrity of the histones in the preparation. Sizes of molecular weight markers and positions of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) are indicated.

    Epicypher热销产品——Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human

    Figure 3: HMTase Assay Data

    Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human used as a substrate in a radioactive histone methyltransferase assay with (+SET8) or without (-SET8) recombinant SET8, which is an HMTase that requires nucleosomal substrates for activity.


    [1] Huang, et al. Oncohistone Mutations Occur at Functional Sites of Regulatory ADP-ribosylation. Cancer Res, 2022.

    [2] Jabeena, et al. Dynamic association of the H3K64 trimethylation mark with genes encoding exported proteins in Plasmodium falciparum. JBC, 2021.

    [3] Yuan, et al. Elevated NSD3 histone methylation activity drives squamous cell lung cancer. Nature, 2021.

    [4] Mullahoo, et al. Dual protease type XIII/pepsin digestion offers superior resolution and overlap for the analysis of histone tails by HX-MS. Methods, 2020

    [5] Yan, et al. Deficient histone H3 propionylation by BRPF1-KAT6 complexes in neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer.Science Advances, 2020.






    Mononucleosomes, Recombinant Human Biotinylated

    50 µg

    Epicypher热销产品——CUTANA™ pAG-Tn5 for CUT&Tag


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